There is a really long way to go before cancer is really cured...most people do not realize this. Please Give guidance, foresight, and the right knowledge to show the right people the right way to go....the money is them go the right way....and hurry.
Give my Fellow Survivors the following ...
1. A break...a really long break to enjoy and pain free if possible.
2. The ability to accept the way our bodies are today and tomorrow.
3. The ability for family and friends not to say stupid things to the survivor....for example
a. My aunt Dot had cancer worse than should be thankful!
b. You have cancer because you never drank that juice, found your past life, or did that enema cleanse!
c. My cousin was killed yesterday crossing the street by a bus! He is dead! You are alive!
And the list goes on ...needed to have some fun today ...people really say these things!
4. I do have a blog post on how to really help a cancer person...please read it.
5. Please do not forget the caregiver...they need help as well.
To all Survivors I pray for you to keep going however that is for you with hope and the love of family and matter what they say!!!! They love you! xoxoxox
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