Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 12, 2014

Happy New Year 2015...Cancer Survivorship

I actually do not like the holidays very much.....I admit it....I do not think that I have liked holidays since about 2009.  I am all for honoring everyone's religions however for me there are just too many reminders of what was and even what is.  And I am not angry or depressed.  I am just telling the truth. Because cancer really sucks and too many people have passed away and more will .....cancer never leaves me alone ...not for a minute.  And sure I forget every so often when I am busy working, having fun, and/or with wonderful people...but that deep joy in life that I used to experience on a daily basis...that I can not find....I just can't find it no matter how hard I try for so many reasons.

Once in awhile I have a glimmer of it...I remember it really well when I watch the sunset, look at the moon, or stare at my kids.  But it does not last for long.

And I am not depressed.  I am always thankful/grateful for a good day...I am not when the days are not so good.   I find my sense of humor saves me every time.  I do look for the humor in everything...because there is humor in everything.....I have a warped sense of humor :).

I am telling you this so you that you can think this way too and it is OK if you are or have been a cancer patient.

Go scream in your car...bang a few drums...hug people that you love...see funny movies and  then get on with it the best way that you can!!!   xoxoxo  It is OK.  It is just a holiday...whatever that means :).

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