Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 4, 2016

Protecting Patient Information

In my 20 years as a CIO, my expertise has evolved to include infrastructure provisioning, software architecture, strategic planning, mobile application advocacy and cloud procurement.   However, in recent years, my focus has been guided by privacy and security risk mitigation.

I’ve learned a great deal responding to incidents, educating stakeholders, and working with government.

You’ll find all those lessons summarized in  “Protecting Patient Information, 1st Edition, A Decision-Maker's Guide to Risk, Prevention, and Damage Control”

It’s available online.

I think you’ll find it to be a great resource for clinicians and executives who need practical advice.

Although I provided guidance and experience for each chapter, the book is the hard work of veteran medical writer Paul Cerrato.   I contributed the Preface.   I do not receive any royalties, so I’m not using my blog for self-interested advertising!

With matters of security,  the best strategy is to prepare for incidents before they occur rather than respond to them once they occur.   This book should help.

Paul and I have already begun work on our next writing adventure, a practical guide to the reality of precision medicine and population health.

Also, the novel about privacy and security I co-wrote with Italian CIO Giuliano Pozza has now been open sourced.  You'll find it here.   Enjoy!

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