Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 10, 2014

Cancer Survivorship....Cannabis Oil...Day 1

Hello folks.  It my intention to document this journey regarding me using cannabis oil in cancer survivorship. 

For new folks here.  I am 57 years old...female :).  I have had about 20 major surgeries for metastatic retroperitoneal extremely rare cancer.  50% of us are dead within 5 years.  I have been doing this since 2001 :). 

I currently have disease in my liver, on my pancreas, my rib etc.  I have minimal pain and my body still works. :)  Yeah!

I have made this decision to try cannabis because I have been reading so much about it and have nothing to loose.  At some point I will be dripping oil at the same time as my new chemo.

I am telling you all about it because I can :) and do not mind.  I need to say a few things here so no one sues me at any time.  So here goes.  The legal release....

1.  I am telling no one to do this with one ...not one person.
2.  I am not saying in any way, shape or form that cannabis cures cancer...although that would be nice.  And if my tumors melt away I will :).

3.  I am documenting my journey for entertainment purposes only.

4.  I am released from all liability should anyone copy what I do and they hurt themselves.  I did not recommend that anyone do what I am doing.  I am doing this only for me and just informing others regarding my process and opinion.    I will be picking up oil tomorrow and taking my first drop :)  ..Yeah!  Stay tuned for posts on Saturday.  Thanks!

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