An important aside to all of this regarding working...
One of my first professional advocate cases was not about cancer. It was about a woman that had many physical issues for many years and it was time for her to stop working. She just did not have the physical abilities any longer to perform her job.
I was hired to help her get her social security income. She is in her 50's like me. I did not realize until I began putting together her case that she worked in a fabulous place with wonderful co workers. They loved her so much that they actually performed much of her job for her so that she could keep coming to work. They did it for years.
Due to this is was much more difficult to put together her case. She seemed way too healthy for too long. We were ultimately successful however here are a few things to consider in your work.
1. I know working is psychologically beneficial as well. Being around people, having your mind engaged is important in healing and living with any illness. Money is as well :).
2. If you really can no longer perform your not stop working alone. When I get to this section I will go into more detail however it is not a good idea to have others do your work for you if you can not. It will hurt you in the long run when applying for your benefits when you really need them.
3. Keep a diary or what I call a "health log". Write in it everyday...log days and times....what exactly are your job duties and what can you still do...and not? Keep detailed records.
4. Detailed records will help you for 2 reasons....if your employer is trying to get rid of you have a log and proof of exactly is going on...names dates etc....if you want to collect benefits you have a detailed log as is your life.
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